Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Entry Number One

Welcome to my blog. This is basically going to be my conscience. I of course hope that nobody finds this Blog til my no doubt untimely death. When found, please don't judge me...I didn't kill anybody (at time of writing) I just tried to have a good time, be responsible and generally nice to people. Ok, chances are I only accomplished one of those things, but you know... my heart was always in the right place. Ok this is not working.

I'm a scumbag, I know it. A girl will send me a picture of her tits and of course I'll show everyone and probably upload it to the internet. I've never been in a long term relationship cause I need to be loved too much an invariably end up shagging the first thing that shows an interest in me. If you are an ex girlfried reading are the know who you are...I loved you!

Ok, this is going to be a diary of depravity. If you stumble upon this website after searching for The winner of 2003 Grand National, I'm truly sorry, you didn't deserve this. However, if after finding this blog you now feel better about yourself and your own life...then I'm glad I could be of some help.

I could've had sex with 3 people today (more if I was willing to travel) but I didn't. One girl actually begged. And let me tell you, I'm not a gorgeous looking guy...I just tell them what they want to hear...repeatedly. It's a horrible trait in a human being, but hey...if more of us were like that, there'd me no war. Why didn't I have all the sex? Cause my friends, I'm trying out a relationship.

Talk to ya tomorrow...

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