Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I've been dumped already. It appears that Andy thought I was taking the piss out of him. I thought I could walk with ya mate. Apologies.


I'm back for Andy!

Ok, I think we all know that at this stage I've already booked my place in hell, it's only a standard double room at the moment but I'm sure it'll be upgraded to deluxe torture any day now...so I've decided to do something about it. I'm going to twin my blog...or at least try to twin my blog with a chap whom I don't know who's suffering from cancer. Before you all go thinking that I'm some diabolical, twisted, depraved, so-and-so..actually you know what...i don't really have anywhere to go with that...I probably am all the above things.

However, I've seen this lad around thousands of times since I was a young fella...I think I used to see him in mass on a weekly basis...but that could have been some other italian looking handsome fucker. Either way, Andy, I'm here with you buddy...where your blog shall walk, mine will too. You will turn me into a nicer person, just by association...and after it all...you'd better give me a discount in Sherwoods cause God knows they're some robbing feckers in there.

So I hope you're ready for this mate! Cause even though you haven't a clue who I am...(I'm Monty by the way...but if you've already read some of this blog, you'll know that by now) and I kinda know you're face from around...

But hey...how many people in this city/town of ours do we see day in and day out...we know their faces with years now...and the only time we'd possibly contemplate saying hello to them is if we saw them in Lanzarote or somewhere.

Let's change that!! andy...me and you are gonna change the world dude.

Til the next time.


Oh by the way...if you were looking for porn...or grand national winners, and stumbled across this blog and have no idea who Andy is (or me for that matter) here's my new best internet friend's blog.
